Our Optometry Practice in Minneapolis Hero

Our Optometry Practice in Minneapolis

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Our Story

Dr. Marcie Nichols always dreamed of creating an optometric environment where patients could get high-quality medical care in a warm and welcoming atmosphere, and choose from a wide selection of beautiful eyewear. To fulfill this desire, she founded Perspectives Vision Clinic in 2008, and has been providing eye care to patients in Minneapolis ever since.

Now, more than a decade later, we continue to uphold her ideals and provide our patients and our community with the very best we can offer.

We would love to meet you and your family today. Book Your Appointment

Meet Our Team

Our dedicated optometrists and staff are here to provide you and your family with high-quality vision services in a warm and caring environment.

Meet Our Team

Dr. Marcie Nichols +
  • Dr. Marcie Nichols

  • Optometrist & Practice Owner
Dr. Beth Mosley +
  • Dr. Beth Mosley

  • Optometrist
Kelsey Hannemann
  • Kelsey Hannemann

  • Office Manager
Nikki Talley
  • Nikki Talley

Alexia Bull
  • Alexia Bull

Emily Perry
  • Emily Perry

Stevie Smith
  • Stevie Smith

Emily Terry
  • Emily Terry

Visit Our Office

Our Address

  • 3102 50th Street West
  • Minneapolis, MN 55410

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

9 AM - 6 PM
8 AM - 7 PM
9 AM - 6 PM
8 AM - 7 PM
9 AM - 6 PM
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