Because Your Sight Can’t Wait
If you are experiencing an eye emergency during business hours, call us at 612-920-3938.
If you are a current patient you can call our after hours number before 9 PM. After hours care is not guaranteed, but we truly try to be there whenever you need us. Call us at 612-900-8859.
Emergency eye care availability may vary and is not guaranteed. Established patients will be prioritized, but new patients are welcome to call to check if we can work you onto the schedule. We try to help everyone that we can.
What Is an Eye Emergency?
There are some eye problems that can’t wait. Call us right away if you are experiencing any of the following:
- Vision loss (temporary or constant)
- Eye pain
- Corneal scratches or abrasions
- Foreign object in the eye
- Chemical contact with the eye or eyelids
- Sudden onset of floaters or flashes
- Sudden onset blurred vision
- Tunnel vision
- Warped vision
Ocular First Aid
During an eye emergency, follow these steps and then seek medical attention right away.
Flush the eye for a full 15 minutes with cool, clean water. Even if the pain subsides earlier, keep flushing your eye for at least 15 minutes to remove any residual chemical that could continue to damage your eye or eyelids. After flushing your eye, call us for an emergency appointment or go to your nearest emergency room.
If you have loose foreign body in your eye, first gently rinse your eye with cool, clean water to remove it. Do not rub your eye or try to remove an embedded foreign body. After rinsing your eye, call us for an emergency appointment.