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When Should Kids Get an Eye Exam?

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Can Childhood Myopia Be Reversed?

POV of normal vision on the left and myopia vision on the right

Across the globe, more and more people (specifically children) are developing myopia (nearsightedness), a refractive error that affects the ability to see distances clearly. In fact, some studies suggest that almost half of the entire planet’s population will have some degree of myopia by 2050. While we’ve talked about myopia treatment in a previous post, […]

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Managing Dry Eye While Wearing Contact Lenses | Minneapolis

If you’re looking for some extra flexibility in your eyewear choices or have simply grown tired of wearing the same pair of frames day-to-day, contact lenses may provide the solutions you’re looking for! However, if you’re one of the millions of Americans currently struggling with dry eye symptoms, you might be a little worried about […]

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