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Category: Contact lenses

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How Old Do You Have to Be to Wear Contacts?

a woman is holding her contact as she is about to place in her eye.

Contact lenses are a great way to experience life without having some of the limitations that come with wearing glasses. When considering contact lenses for children or teenagers, parents often wonder, “How old does my child need to be?” While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, several factors can help determine the right age for contact […]

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How to Treat Dry Eyes with Contacts

A woman using her left index finger to pull her eyelid up while she puts a contact lens on her right eye with her right hand

Dealing with dry eyes is rarely a pleasant experience. It’s a common eye condition easily recognizable by the burning, gritty, and irritating sensations it causes. Often due to a problem with your body’s tear production, dry eye can be problematic—though it’s treatable with the help of an experienced optometrist. While your optometrist may initially recommend […]

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How Do Multifocal Contact Lenses Work?

A woman putting a contact lens in her left eye using her right hand while looking in the mirror in front of an optometrist

Multifocal contact lenses contain 2 or more prescriptions to correct vision. If you find yourself squinting to read a book and struggling to focus on objects further away, multifocal contact lenses may be the solution you’ve been looking for.  These advanced lenses have different lens powers that work by correcting multiple vision problems simultaneously, such […]

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Can’t Wear Contacts Due to Dry Eyes? Potential Causes and Solutions

A young man standing and holding his glasses with his right hand as he rubs his eyes with his left hand.

It’s a misconception that those with dry eyes can’t wear contact lenses. In reality, people with dry eyes simply need the right type of contact lenses, properly fitted to your eyes. Practicing good contact lens care is also critical to relieving dry eye symptoms. When the tear film isn’t moisturizing your eyes, you can develop […]

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What Is the Difference Between an Eye Exam for Glasses and Contacts?

A woman optometrist in a white lab coat smiling at the camera holding glasses in her left hand and a blue and white contact container in her right hand

A visit to your eye doctor is necessary if you want glasses or contact lenses. However, you need a different exam if you’re interested in contacts. What is the difference between these eye exams, and why are they different?  Continue reading to learn more about eye exams for glasses and contact lenses, including how and […]

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Managing Dry Eye While Wearing Contact Lenses | Minneapolis

If you’re looking for some extra flexibility in your eyewear choices or have simply grown tired of wearing the same pair of frames day-to-day, contact lenses may provide the solutions you’re looking for! However, if you’re one of the millions of Americans currently struggling with dry eye symptoms, you might be a little worried about […]

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