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Can Kids Use Eye Drops?

A child instills eyedrops in their own eye.

Ensuring your children’s eye health is vital as it can significantly impact their learning and overall development. From occasional irritations like dry eyes to more serious conditions, eye problems in kids are common but often manageable. Eye drops are an effective treatment for many of these eye problems, and fortunately, kids can use most eye […]

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Why Do My Eyes Water In Cold Weather?

A woman in the cold outdoors dabs at her overly watery eyes.

As winter approaches, many people notice an uncomfortable, yet familiar, phenomenon: their eyes begin to water more frequently, especially when they step outside into the cold.  While this might seem like a simple reaction to the environment, the causes behind watery eyes in cold weather are more complex than just the chilly air. Your eyes […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Floaters?

Eye floaters on a person's field of vision, with the sky as the background.

Dry eyes and floaters are both common eye issues, but they affect your vision in different ways. While both can occur simultaneously, dry eyes do not directly cause floaters. However, experiencing these conditions together may exacerbate the resulting discomfort or make floaters more noticeable.  At Perspectives Vision Clinic, we offer comprehensive eye care services to […]

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Are Polarized Sunglasses Better for Your Eyes?

Happy woman trying on glasses at the optometrist's office

When it comes to protecting your eyes from the sun, not all sunglasses are created equal. Among the various options available, polarized sunglasses stand out for their unique benefits. But what makes polarized sunglasses different, and are they truly better for your eyes? For all the sunglasses wearers out there pondering this question, we’re here […]

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