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Category: Eye Exams

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What Is the Difference Between an Eye Exam for Glasses and Contacts?

A woman optometrist in a white lab coat smiling at the camera holding glasses in her left hand and a blue and white contact container in her right hand

A visit to your eye doctor is necessary if you want glasses or contact lenses. However, you need a different exam if you’re interested in contacts. What is the difference between these eye exams, and why are they different?  Continue reading to learn more about eye exams for glasses and contact lenses, including how and […]

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How to Prepare for an Eye Exam

women undergoing eye exam at optometrist office

As a full-service, family-friendly vision clinic, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive eye care for you and your loved ones. Whether you’re updating your lens prescription, looking for help managing your child’s myopia, or your parents are developing early signs of presbyopia, we’re ready to support your family in every way we can. The first […]

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